Mixed Use+ Architecture (At Jerde)

Retail Based Developments in Eastern Europe & the US
3D watercolor aerial rendering of large mixed-use project
level 1 - mostly parking - plan of large mixed-use project
level 2 - retail - plan of large mixed-use project

1 Km Project

This schematic project consists of a new 1/2 km long civic center - 20,000 sqm retail, a city hall, a hotel with a regional conference center, an office building, a train station, 1,000 residential units, and diplomatic housing - linked to the historic pedestrian downtown by a 1/2 km retail art walk.
Challenges to the design arose from the complexity of the program (civic, entertainment, office, commercial, and residential) located within a small and complicated footprint (access, security, privacy).
The north boundary is a huge, regionally successful shopping mall to which the project had to connect; the project crosses over regional train tracks and two major thoroughfare; street frontage is minimal; connection to the historic center would involve private property rights.


Eastern Europe


  • + Site: 1 km long x 450,000 sqm
  • + 300,000 sqm: City Hall, Hotel, Office, Train Station, Retail, Food & Beverage, Housing, Art Walk
  • + 150,000 sqm: Open Space, Parking, BOH:


The Jerde Partnership


Senior Designer, Architect


  • + 1/2 of 2 person core team
  • + Developed overall project in plan and section
  • + Designed art walk district
  • + Special studies: parking, circulation, & vegetative roofs
  • + Oversaw housing development
watercolor rendering of big plaza, large mixed-use project
section through condo towers, large mixed-use project
section through retail street, large mixed-use project
watercolor rendering of smaller plaza, large mixed-use project
circulation diagrams, large mixed-use project
circulation diagrams, large mixed-use project
section through city and 1km length of project, large mixed-use project
working sketch plan through city and 1km length of project showing plaza relationships, large mixed-use project
watercolor rendering of retail street, large mixed-use project
section through hotel, retail street, and diplomatic quarters, large mixed-use project
section through retail street and office building, large mixed-use project
watercolor rendering of art walk district, large mixed-use project
watercolor rendering of art walk district street, large mixed-use project
section through art walk district street, large mixed-use project
sketch of cafe bursting out of existing building envelope, art walk district street, large mixed-use project
plan of art walk district street, large mixed-use project
3D model of art walk district street, large mixed-use project
sketch study plans of art walk district street, large mixed-use project
sculpture to attract to enter art walk district street, large mixed-use project
sculpture and pavement graphic to attract to enter art walk district street, large mixed-use project
plan view of 3D model, large mixed-use project
housing plans, large mixed-use project
housing diagram, large mixed-use project
housing plans, large mixed-use project
housing plans, large mixed-use project


Design: The Jerde Partnership, David Rogers lead. Watercolor Renderings: Hank Hockenberger. Drawings & Sketches: Ioana Urma. 3D Study Models: Alex Lin. Housing drawings: Napoleon Merana as directed by Ioana Urma.
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA


This core and shell retail project is Phase II of a redevelopment plan for the heart of North Hollywood (Los Angeles), which includes a metro station to the north, live-work housing to the east, and an office building to the south.
Several issues made this project more complex in permitting and construction:
As this was a core and shell project, management work on it included coordinating with the tenants who fitted their interiors and storefronts.


North Hollywood (LA Valley), CA


  • + Program: 70,000 sf retail + supermarket
  • + Footprint: ±300′ x 300′ x 28′ tall
  • + Longest facade: 320′
  • + Tower: 80′ tall


The Jerde Partnership


Senior Designer, Architect


  • + In charge of project in CD (construction documents) and CA (construction) phases
  • + Finished CDs, coordinating with structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, and with the landscape architects and the lighting designer


  • + Aided in Permitting
  • + Managed CA (contract administration during construction), coordinating with the 2 artists whose projects are integrated into the building
  • + Created Tenant Criteria book & coordinated with tenant architects
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA
Noho Commons retail center, North Hollywood, CA


Design: Tammy McKerrow, The Jerde Partnership. Schematic Drawings: The Jerde Partnership. Construction Photos: Ioana Urma, except last tower structure photo by Mitch Glaser. Art project photos: Electroland (artists) - red box and numbers on facade. Aerial: Google. Watercolor Elevations: Jay Fischer.